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Unveil the secrets, unravel the mystery and unearth what's hidden in the shadows!

Why Should I join Encountour?

Encountour offers a one-of-a-kind adventure that combines mystery, challenges, and teamwork. It's not just an event; it's an immersive experience where you'll decode clues, conquer challenges, and race against time for an adrenaline-fueled journey like no other.

Don't Miss this Opportunity!

What do I get for winning?

The thrill of victory isn't the only reward! The winning team at Encountour not only claims the title of ultimate adventurers but also secures a substantial cash prize. Beyond the excitement of conquering challenges and decoding mysteries, the cash prize adds an extra layer of motivation to emerge as the undisputed champions. Join the race, unlock the unknown, and compete for both glory and a coveted cash reward. The stakes are high, and the adventure is yours to seize!

What sets Encountour apart from other adventure races?

Encountour stands out as a beacon of innovation and excitement in the world of adventure races. Unlike conventional events, Encountour offers a dynamic experience where every detail, from the storylines to the challenges, is carefully crafted for unpredictability. The fusion of mental puzzles, physical challenges, and the thrill of decoding the unknown creates an unparalleled adventure. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of something groundbreaking — where every step is a discovery and every challenge is a testament to your team's resilience. Join us and redefine adventure with Encountour!

CashGrand Prize



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October 19, 2024 8am - Midnight

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Our First Encountour Ever

Be part of history as we proudly announce the inaugural Encountour event, marking the dawn of a thrilling new era in adventure racing. This groundbreaking experience promises to set the standard for exhilarating challenges, immersive storylines, and team dynamics that will leave participants on the edge of their seats. Join us as we pioneer the unknown and embark on this inaugural journey, creating memories that will be etched in the annals of Encountour history. This is not just an event; it's the beginning of a legacy. Will you be part of the first chapter?

Join our mailing list for all the latest encountour updates.

See you on the 19th!

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